2023.07.16 We were introduced to Moyamoya Summers SDG!

eyeforthree sunglasses were introduced on Moyamoya Summers SDGs, which will be broadcast from 16:00 on July 16, 2023! You can see from here. Moyamoya Summers SDGs https://tver.jp/lp/episodes/e...

2023.05.29 Published in Yomiuri Shimbun Job Hunting ON

On May 29th, Yomiuri Shimbun's Job Hunting ON featured Nagaoka, representative of iForThree.

2023.4.25 Selected for Forbes JAPAN NEXT100

We were selected for Forbes JAPAN NEXT100 2023 and had an interview article published in the May issue. You can check it here. https://forbesjapan.com/magazine/detail/157

2023.02.08 Introduced on Asahi Broadcasting TV's "News Okaeri".

iForThree was introduced as an initiative by Rohto Pharmaceutical on Asahi Broadcasting TV's "News Okaeri" on Wednesday, February 8, 2023. https://www.asahi.co.jp/news-okaeri/

2023.01.11 Introduced in Sendenkaigi February 2023 issue

Published in the serial "R30 Hopes Vol.88 Rohto Pharmaceutical" in Sendenkaigi February 2023 issue NO.976.

2022.12.23 Introduced in Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun

The Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun on December 23, 2022 introduced the efforts of Rina Nagaoka, representative of iForcely LLC. You can read the article here .

2022.10.31 Introduced in Chunichi Shimbun and Tokyo Shimbun

The efforts of iForThree LLC were introduced in the Chunichi Shimbun and Tokyo Shimbun morning editions on October 31, 2022. You can read the article here .

2022.09.20 Featured in 6 newspapers including Nishinippon Shimbun

In September 2022, it was published in Daily Tohoku, Ibaraki Shimbun, Chiba Nippo, Kobe Shimbun, Ehime Shimbun Nishinippon Shimbun. You can read the article here .

2022.07.01 [Radio appearance] Appearing on Kyoto FM Tanba Broadcasting

Rina Nagaoka, representative of eyeforthree, will appear on Radio Kyoto FM Tanba Broadcasting. ■Broadcast time Monday, June 27th 12:10pm~ 18:10~ Saturday, July 2nd 9:10am~ Sunday, July 3rd 9:10am~...